Ann Geier
Ann currently provides coaching to our sculling 1 and 2 classes.
Ann Geier began rowing in 1973 on Philadephia's Boat House Row. In 1977, she moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. Since there were no scholarships for women rowers at that time, she pursued other interests, returning to rowing in 1985. She rowed at LWRC until 1995, shelved her rowing career while rock climbing and going to graduate school. In 2002, Geier returned to rowing as a coach at the Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center. She moved to Green Lake Small Craft Center to work with the Masters Sculling team until 2008, when she began coaching the Ancient Mariners and the Montlake Rowing Clubs. Since 2010, she has coached Adult Masters rowers in both sweep and sculling. In her other life, she drives a special needs school bus for the Seattle School District, enjoys reading, puzzles and maintaining her 116 year old house on near the Woodland Park Zoo.
Rowing Coach